
Showing posts from May, 2024

Egypt Midterm 3

Flooding emerges as one of the most perilous natural hazards our country confronts. It occurs due to various factors such as heavy rainfall, storm surges, and inadequate drainage systems. Addressing flooding as a priority is essential because of its devastating impacts on communities, including loss of life, destruction of property, and disruption of essential services. Enhancing infrastructure resilience is critical for decreasing flood threats. This involves building or improving drainage systems, levees, and flood barriers to better withstand and deflect floodwaters away from populous areas. Implementing stringent land use regulations to restrict development in flood-prone areas can reduce exposure to flooding. Encouraging sustainable urban planning practices, such as preserving natural floodplains and green spaces, can also help mitigate flood risks. Identifying high-risk areas prone to flooding is essential for targeted assistance efforts. Coastal regions and low-lying areas adjac...