Where Is Egypts Tectonic Plate?

Now the African Plate is a large tectonic plate that encompasses the African continent and the surrounding sea crust. While Egypt is not immediately on that plate boundary with high tectonic activity, the East African Rift, a divergent tectonic barrier, is located to the east of Egypt. This rift is gradually separating the eastern section of Africa from the rest of the continent, yet the vast bulk of Egypt remains on the stable African Plate, with comparatively minimal seismic activity.               

                 An Updated Seismic Source Model for Egypt | IntechOpen

A post from Intechopen.com states, "Egypt is situated in the northeastern corner of the African Plate, along the southeastern edge of the Eastern Mediterranean region. It is interacting with the Arabian and Eurasian Plates through divergent and convergent plate boundaries, respectively." This quote states that is in fact interacting with basically two tectonic plates which is very interesting!

An Updated Seismic Source Model for Egypt | IntechOpen

Sawires, R., Peláez, J. A., Fat-Helbary, R. E., Ibrahim, H. A., & García Hernández, M. T. (2015, May 20). An updated seismic source model for Egypt. IntechOpen.https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/47538

Geological setting of egypt: Overview of african plate tectonic influence on the pharaoh land. Geopangea Research Group Indonesia. (2014, August 7). https://gprgindonesia.wordpress.com/2013/06/18/geological-setting-of-egypt-overview-of-african-plate-tectonic-influence-on-the-pharaoh-land/


  1. Hi Tyler, great post! I see that the interactions between the Arabian and Eurasian plates near Egypt are both convergent and divergent, so I assume the main activities around there are earthquakes and possible volcanic activity. Very interesting that Egypt is close to these two plates, yet don't see much seismic activity. Lucky them!

  2. Interesting tectonic setting!-I'm curious of what you'll discover about its seismicity and how it all is connected!


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